Package: kim 0.5.432

Jin Kim

kim: A Toolkit for Behavioral Scientists

A collection of functions for analyzing data typically collected or used by behavioral scientists. Examples of the functions include a function that compares groups in a factorial experimental design, a function that conducts two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and a function that cleans a data set generated by Qualtrics surveys. Some of the functions will require installing additional package(s). Such packages and other references are cited within the section describing the relevant functions. Many functions in this package rely heavily on these two popular R packages: Dowle et al. (2021) <>. Wickham et al. (2021) <>.

Authors:Jin Kim [aut, cre]

kim.pdf |kim.html
kim/json (API)

# Install 'kim' in R:
install.packages('kim', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 03 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 03 2025
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R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 03 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 03 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Akaike Weightsakaike_weights
Assign function parameters as valuesassign_fn_parameters_as_vars
Barplot for countsbarplot_for_counts
Binomial testbinomial_test
Draw a bracket on a ggplotbracket
Capitalize a substringcapitalize
Change variable names in a data setchange_var_names
Check modes of objectscheck_modes
Check for required packagescheck_req_pkg
Chi-squared testchi_squared_test
Chi-squared test, pairwisechi_squared_test_pairwise
Confidence Interval of the Mean of a Vectorci_of_mean
Clean data from Qualtricsclean_data_from_qualtrics
Coefficient of variationcoefficent_of_variation
Calculate Cohen's d and its confidence interval using the package 'psych'cohen_d
Calculate Cohen's d as illustrated by Borenstein et al. (2009, ISBN: 978-0-470-05724-7)cohen_d_borenstein
Calculate Cohen's d to accompany a one-sample t-testcohen_d_for_one_sample
Cohen's d from Jacob Cohen's textbook (1988)cohen_d_from_cohen_textbook
Cohen's d as a function of sample sizecohen_d_over_n
Convert Cohen's d to rcohen_d_to_r
Calculate Cohen's d and its confidence interval using the package 'effsize'cohen_d_torchiano
Combine data across columnscombine_data_across_cols
Convert a comma-separated string of numberscomma_sep_string_to_numbers
Compare data setscompare_datasets
Compare dependent correlationscompare_dependent_rs
Compare effect sizescompare_effect_sizes
Compare groupscompare_groups
Compare independent correlationscompare_independent_rs
Contingency tablecontingency_table
Convert columns to numericconvert_cols_to_numeric
Convert character to Excel formulaconvert_to_excel_formula
Estimate the correlation between two variablescorrelation_kim
correlation matrixcorrelation_matrix
Cumulative percentage plotcum_percent_plot
Descriptive statisticsdesc_stats
Descriptive statistics by groupdesc_stats_by_group
Detach all user-installed packagesdetach_user_installed_pkgs
Duplicated values in a vectorduplicated_values
Excel formula, convert (to)excel_formula_convert
Exit from a Parent Functionexit_from_parent_function
Factorial ANOVA 2-Way (Two-Way Factorial ANOVA)factorial_anova_2_way
Find duplicated values in a vectorfind_duplicates
Fisher's Z transformationfisher_z_transform
Floodlight 2 by Continuousfloodlight_2_by_continuous
Floodlight 2 by Continuous for a Logistic Regressionfloodlight_2_by_continuous_logistic
Floodlight 2 by Continuous for a Multilevel Logistic Regressionfloodlight_2_by_continuous_mlm_logistic
Floodlight Analyses for a Set of Contrastsfloodlight_for_contrasts
Floodlight Multicategorical by Continuousfloodlight_multi_by_continuous
Forest plotforest_plot
Geometric meangeomean
ggsave quickggsave_quick
Histogram by grouphistogram_by_group
Histogram from hist functionhistogram_from_hist
Histogram with outlier binshistogram_w_outlier_bins
Holm-adjusted p-valuesholm_adjusted_p
ID across datasetsid_across_datasets
Check whether all inputs are identicalidentical_all
Install all dependencies for all functionsinstall_all_dependencies
lenu: Length of unique valueslenu
Levene's testlevene_test
Log odds ratiolog_odds_ratio
Convert log odds ratio to Cohen's dlog_odds_ratio_to_d
Logistic regression with an interaction termlogistic_reg_w_interaction
Logistic regressionlogistic_regression
Logistic regression tablelogistic_regression_table
Loglinear analysisloglinear_analysis
Remove outliers using the MAD methodmad_remove_outliers
Mann-Whitney U Test (Also called Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test)mann_whitney
Prepare a two-column data.table that will be used to fill values in a matrixmatrix_prep_dt
Mean centermean_center
Mediation analysismediation_analysis
Merge a list of data tablesmerge_data_table_list
Merge data tablesmerge_data_tables
Mixed ANOVA 2-Way (Two-Way Mixed ANOVA)mixed_anova_2_way
Find modes of objectsmodes_of_objects
Multiple regressionmultiple_regression
Find noncentrality parameternoncentrality_parameter
Odds ratioodds_ratio
Order rows specifically in a data tableorder_rows_specifically_in_dt
Find the overlapping interval of two ranges.overlapping_interval
Packages - List the default packagespackage_list_default
Parallel analysisparallel_analysis
Percentile rankpercentile_rank
Pivot Tablepivot_table
Plot group meansplot_group_means
Paste for messagepm
Population variance of a vectorpopulation_variance
Prepare package(s) for useprep
Pretty round p-valuepretty_round_p_value
Pretty round rpretty_round_r
print loop progressprint_loop_progress
Proportion of given values in a vectorproportion_of_values_in_vector
Q statistic for testing homogeneity of correlationsq_stat_test_homo_r
Read a csv fileread_csv
Read the sole csv file in the working directoryread_sole_csv
Regular expression matchesregex_match
Find relative position of a value in a vectorrel_pos_of_value_in_vector
Find relative value of a position in a vectorrel_value_of_pos_in_vector
Remove from a vectorremove_from_vector
Remove all user installed packagesremove_user_installed_pkgs
Repeated-Measures ANVOArepeated_measures_anova
Replace values in a data tablereplace_values_in_dt
Robust regression (bootstrapped regression)robust_regression
Round flexiblyround_flexibly
Score scale itemsscore_scale_items
Standard error of the meanse_of_mean
Standard Error (SE) of a percentagese_of_percentage
Standard Error (SE) of a proportionse_of_proportion
Set up R environmentsetup_r_env
Set working directory to active document in RStudiosetwd_to_active_doc
Simple Effects Analysissimple_effects_analysis
Simple slopes analysissimple_slopes_analysis
Simple slopes analysis with logistic regression analysessimple_slopes_analysis_logistic
Spotlight 2 by Continuousspotlight_2_by_continuous
Standardized Regressionstandardized_regression
Start kimstart_kim
su: Sorted unique valuessu
t-tests, pairwiset_test_pairwise
Tabulate vectortabulate_vector
Tau-squared (between-studies variance for meta analysis)tau_squared
Theme Kimtheme_kim
Top, median, or bottomtop_median_or_bottom
Tabulate vectortv
Two-Way Factorial ANOVAtwo_way_anova
Undocumented functionsund
Unload all user-installed packagesunload_user_installed_pkgs
Update the package 'kim'update_kim
Convert variance of log odds ratio to variance of dvar_of_log_odds_ratio_to_var_of_d
Variance of a percentagevar_of_percentage
Variance of a proportionvar_of_proportion
Estimate the mean effect size in a meta analysisweighted_mean_effect_size
Weighted mean correlationweighted_mean_r
Weighted zweighted_z
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test (Also called the Mann-Whitney U Test)wilcoxon_rank_sum_test
Write to a csv filewrite_csv
z scorez_score
Z to r transformation (Inverse of Fisher's Z transformation)z_to_r_transform